User Interface
For independent layer animation.
Displaying the sequencers controls
Enable Navigate to Menubar > View > Show Sequencer
Note: On this website go to the menus Guides and click on Creating a Sequence for an overview on how to use the sequencer
The below controls will be displayed.
Sequencer Groups
Visible Layers
Switch toggles the visible state of layers all or active.
All: layers remain visible while sequencer is active or inactive.
Active: only the layers is measures are visible while the sequencers is active or measure start/stop points are being set.
Input accepts values 1 to 600 beats per minute.
Buttons add and remove 1 measure to the sequence. Range 0 - 8 measures.
Beats Per Measure
Buttons add and remove 1 beat to the measures. Range 1 to 8 beats per measure.
Beat Length
Buttons add and remove 1 beat length. Range max of 16 beats.
Measure Total Steps
Provides user the total number of steps per measure
Steps Per Whole Note
Provides user the total number of steps a whole note divided by.
Play Interface
Step Beginning moves the step to the beginning of the measure.
Step Backwards moves the step one step backwards.
Record sequence needs to be player before the record button is clicked.
Play begins stepping through the sequence.
Pause once the pay button is pressed. The pause button will be displayed. If paused the sequence will remember the step that was paused and can be continued if the pause button is pressed again.
Stop halts the sequence and moves the active step back to the first step.
Step Forward moves the step one step forward.
Step End moves the step to the end of the measure.