The below videos are intended to be a helpful visual tutorial for users that are new to
It’s best to start with the first video building your knowledge with each sequential video.
Loading an Image
How to load an image into the DiGauss application.
Enable Filtered Layer
How to produce the filters basic output.
Frequency Selection Window's UI
How you can interact with the Frequency Selection Window's UI.
Exporting and Loading Recipe
How to export a recipe so that you can work on your composition at a later day. Next How to load and image and then load a recipe.
Export Composite Image
How to export your composition as a composited PNG image.
Creating a Sequence
How to create a sequence once you've loaded and image and have an active layer with filtered output.
Selecting Textures
How to select textures. Once you have an active layer with an output. You can select from that active layer or generate a composite image of all the layers to select from and use as the next layers input.